Wednesday, 23 October 2013

A resource for myself & others

Welcome to Artmosphere!

Firstly a bit about me. Throughout my final years of Secondary School I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I would be a graphic designer. I completed my VCE studies and was accepted into Swinburne University of Technology. I loved my studies at Swinburne, but towards the end of my degree, I began to realise that graphic design wasn't for me. While I loved to create art and design, I didn't want to do it as my full time job. Having graduated from my Communication Design degree I decided to take a year off. Working a range of jobs (including the odd freelance project) and traveling around Europe, I decided that teaching would be the next thing to try.

I applied and was accepted into Melbourne Universities Master of Teaching and absolutely loved it. While it was probably one of the most challenging years of my life, I learned so much about interacting with young people.

This blog will work as a place for me to gather resources and present work that I do with my Art and Design classes. I hope to include project plans as well as photos of the journey that my students take from project start to end. Throughout my year of teacher training, and the last year of casual relief teaching work, I have learned that great ideas for classroom projects don't always go exactly to plan, so I'm sure there will be some helpful tips and revised plans.

I hope you enjoy my posts!

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